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MAGAZINE ARTICLES    by Mark Mathew Braunstein

vegan vegetarianism

VEGAN Vegetarianism

18 articles

medical marijuana magazine articles


9 articles & 4 videos

stack of books

Literature & Art

7 articles

disability magazine articles


14 articles

walking magazine articles



cannabis magazine articles
 11 articles & 2 videos
wildlife magazine articles

WILDLIFE & Wilderness

  10 articles

© Mark Mathew BRAUNSTEIN (2024), sole content creator, web designer, photographer, and photoshopper.

No paper was trashed nor trees felled nor truths stretched to create this website.

Cookies are all vegan, all whole grain, and sugar-free.

Color space tagged Adobe RGB for Safari, so on any other browser tagged for

sRGB, you will not be viewing my true colors.

Don't you dare follow me on Twitter or DeFacebook, else I will have you arrested for stalking.

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